Sunday, April 12, 2009



Wiki's Guide to German Literature. A basic outline. Basic.


Here is Ulf Stolterfoht's book translated by Rosmarie Waldrop: 

Stolterfoht in English:


whosever coat-tail after coat-tail your endeavor
to compose now so thicktitiously engenders
what fuel-fucking self-destructive higgledy-
piggery you so seriously unbody

or hardly blessed among root veggies
when smoked ham's in the half-left field
you cross your heart over hide's enticement
and all that cohabits genetically unknot

which you in heat and under oath endorse
knowing the ombudsman's enleathering
a breedin' shame like pidgin in Gdingen
as your be-true-to-me you endearingly unmarry

where for your burlap name you will be envied
hallowed be thy come forfeit engorged
deeply covetous how you and Gdansk
instinct and body tissue unself and unsex


And more Stolterfoht in English.
An interview with the man.
Here he is in Coconut Fourteen!


Silke Scheuermann is a well-known German poet not recognized in New European Poets. And look! Both languages! (German & English)

Lyrikline is a really interesting site that offers poems translated into a buffet of languages.

Here is an article from the New York Times claiming to have found "Germany's poetry jet set" Ann Cotten. Born in Iowa, raised in Germany. And here is the original article.

A list of 50 Perfect Books of German Poetry. Compiled by Dialog International.

Andrew J. Shields' Blog mentions the Antioch Review (Winter 2009) which includes a couple of reviews of German poetry in translation.

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